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The Crossdress Boutique - The Online Crossdressing Shop For Everything A TGirl Should Need

I am Julie, a trans-gendered women of 40+ years (blush blush), my journey through 'MTF - Transition and gender surgery' has been interesting to say the least, a story which I shall tell more about in a forthcoming blog post. Having worked for many people in my life and bringing home the corporate pay cheque at the end of each month it is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I have now ventured out, with the help of a few trans friends into my own online journey - we have finally arrived on the web and we are extremely pleased that we can share with you 'The Crossdress Boutique - A fresh approach to crossdressing shopping online ( Serving the LGBT community )'.

The Crosssdress Boutique is a brand new shop for transgender people, we launched in mid 2015, our one mission is to supply modern tgirls with great quality products including the latest wig styles, clothing, apparel, gaffs, lingerie, breast forms, corsets, shoes, boots, hosiery, cosmetics, books and essential feminization videos. Our shop is geared firmly at the crossdressing community and we currently have 3 amazing tgirls in our online team, a very small but friendly bunch of people, always willing to help and support our transgender community through this our brand new online venture to give you a fresh one stop shopping experience.

I would personally recommend that you first take a visit to our main crossdresser shop page, this is a good start point and easy to navigate from. And as we speak I am writing some footer notes for that page giving you some more detailed information on the current XDress product ranges, which excitingly are expanding daily. Our crossdressing clothing, crossdress makeup, forced fem, and crossdressing wigs categories are all very popular, with the Noriko Wigs by Rene of Paris (Janelle & Shilo) being our bestselling wig products, we are continually growing so please bookmark our site for future visits.

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Have Fun With Crossdresser Toys & Lingerie 820

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