Please register below, enter all the requested details including a website URL or social media account (ie. Website Homepage, Facebook Group or Personal Page). You can promote your affiliate URL’s on any of your other social media accounts* or websites*, if you fill out all the information required in our crossdressing affiliate program registration form then we will activate your affiliate account immediately, so you can begin earning money today.
Anybody can register for our crossdresser affiliate program, if you plan to just post a link to your ‘Facebook timeline’ or a ‘Crossdressing Forum’, all you need to do is register below, and with our user friendly dashboard and URL generator you can quickly & easily create a link to any page on our store, even a deep link to a specific product. Just take the link that we generate and simply post it on your website or social media account, include a short comment and share it with your friends. It’s so easy to earn some quick money, start today (Earn a minimum of 5% stepping to 10% on all lifetime purchases), simply read our privacy policy and then just fill out the form below to join today.
Important: *Do not spam our affiliate links or promote on porn sites as this will lead to your affiliate account being immediately suspended.